Welcome to JCMsuite’s geometry and mesh generation tutorial!


This tutorial refers to the new layout definition with Layout2D/Layout3D. It is meant to fully replace the previously employed Layout in a future version of JCMsuite. These features are currently made a available in JCMgeo in addition to the older syntax version. Click here for more information about differences in the syntax.

This document shows how to use the mesh generator (resp. triangulation tool, grid generator, etc.) JCMgeo to produce geometrical meshes for the finite-element solve JCMsolve.

The archive GeoTutorial.zip contains all examples discussed in this tutorial. Each example is placed in a separate sub-folder containing the file layout.jcm with the geometry specification. JCMcontrol prompts the user when opening the layout.jcm file and asks if it is to be loaded as a meshing project. A meshing project in JCMcontrol allows to run the mesh generation and view the generated grid.jcm file comfortably in a graphical user interface.

Table Of Contents