Usage: fieldbag = jcmwave_loadcartesianfields(fileName, [options])
Loads a tensor fields given on a Cartesian grid stored in .jcm format.
fileName -> path to a Cartesian fieldbag in .jcm format.
options -> key-value list (or matlab structure) used to configure the
output format. Currently, the only allowed key is 'format' with
allowed values 'squeeze' (default) and 'full'.
Output: structure consisting of
fieldbag.X, fieldbag.Y, fieldbag.Z: x, y, z-coordinates of
the Cartesian grid. Each array X, Y, Z has the size nx*ny*nz,
where nx, ny, nz are the number of grid points in each direction.
X, Y, Z has been created by
>> [X, Y, Z] = ndgrid(x, y, z),
where x, y, z are the original sampling vectors for the Cartesian
coordinate directions.
For a Cartesian field in polar coordinates, XYZ arrays are changed to
R, Theta and Phi holding the corresponding coordinate values.
fieldbag.field{j}: array containing the field values.
fieldbag.field{j}(ix, iy, iz, k) gives the k'th field component at
the point with coordinates [x(ix), y(iy), z(iz)].
header: header containing meta-information, i.e. incoming
field specifcation, permittivities of the lower and upper half
When 'format' is 'squeeze', singleton dimensions are removed accordingly
to the commands
>> X = squeeze(X);
>> Y = squeeze(Y);
>> Z = squeeze(Z);
>> fieldbag{j} = squeeze(fieldbag{j})
Plot Cartesian fieldbag on xy-mesh (real part of the z-component of the first
field is plotted):
cfb = jcmwave_loadcartesianfields('./project_results/cartesian_xy.jcm');
surf(cfb.X, cfb.Y, real(cfb.field{1}(:, :, 3)));
shading interp; view(2); axis equal;