

A Source definition attaches one or several tensor field definitions to a domain or boundary. It is only allowed to set impressed quantities within a Source section (no material properties). For instance, one may fix the temperature on a certain boundary:

# fix temperature on boundary with identifier 2
Source {
  BoundaryId = 2
  Temperature = 300

Or one may define an electric current density and simultaneously an electric charge density within a domain:

# set a constant electric current flux density
Source {
  DomainId = 2
  ElectricCurrentDensity = ...
  ElectricChargeDensity = ...

To capture complex physical situations the definition of the source fields can get complicated. For example, a source field may consist of an analytic expression or of a result Fieldbag gained from a previous simulation. We refer to the subsequent sections.


Source terms within one SourceBag section are summed up.