
The Arc is a geometrical primitive characterized by its central radius (Radius), width (LineWidth) and angle (Angle). An Arc is part of a Ring as it is a region limited by two concentric circles. The Angle defines the central angle of the Arc, i.e. Angle=360 is equivalent to the definition of the Ring.

The default port is the center of the circles at position [0, 0]. After geometrical operations like relative positioning or cutting are performed, the Arc will be discretized by a number of linear segments with end points which are located on the defined circles. The number of these segments is defined by the parameter RefineAll.

A typical Arc might be defined like this:

  Name = "Arc_1"
  DomainId = 1
  Priority = 1
  Radius = 100.0
  LineWidth = 20.0
  Angle = 270