
Range:[v_11, …, v_1j; …; v_i1, …; v_ij], j<=2

Defines boundary identifiers attributed to the different 3D objects in this Layer. Each outer segment of a 2D geometrical primitive of the Layout carries a boundary identifier, e.g. BoundaryId. Through the BoundaryIdMapping, the corresponding extruded 3D boundary in this layer of the 3D Extrusion gets attributed a new boundary identifier, which corresponds to the boundary identifier in the file boundary_conditions.jcm (BoundaryId).

When the 2D section of the Layout contains N different boundary identifiers (DomainId), the BoundaryIdMapping vector is a vector with 2N integer-valued entries. It is ordered as follows:

 [id_{2D,1} & id_{3D,1} \\
  id_{2D,2} & id_{3D,2} \\
  \cdots & {} \\
  id_{2D,N}  & id_{3D,N}]

where id_{2D,i} are the identifiers of the 2D outer segment, and id_{3D,i} are the domain identifiers of the 3D interfaces in this Layer.