

Sets refinement in normal direction of a boundary segment. If set, the mesh will contain parallel copies of the segment with a defined StartThickness up to a given TotalThickness. The discretization in normal direction can be controlled for the interior and exterior of the primitive independently with the Inner and Outer sections. The Progression factor allows to control the ratio of the lengths of adjacent segments, i.e. Progression = 2.0 in the example below will double the normal distance with every segment.


The following code was used to generate the image above.

Parallelogram {
   DomainId = 2
   Width = 200
   Height = 200
   MeshOptions {
     NormalRefinement {
       Outer {
         StartThickness = 2
         TotalThickness = 30
         Progression = 2
       Inner {
         StartThickness = 5
         TotalThickness = 20
         Progression = 5