jcmwave.set_ooc_drive(ooc_dir=None, max_core_size=None)

Sets swapping directory for out-of-core computation.

  • ooc_dir

    base swap directory.

    Data are swapped into a sub-directory of this path. Ideally, this base directory should be located on a fast SSD drive.

  • max_core_size (float) –

    Maximum core RAM size (in MB).

    By default, 90% of the free RAM are used.

Detailed Description

This command sets the environment variable JCM_MAX_CORE_SIZE and JCM_OOC_DIR. Only some parts of the runtime data are suitable for swapping to a fast SSD disk. Therefore, the actual RAM usage may exceed the value given in max_core_size.

Use set_memory_limit to define a hard memory restriction.