
jcmwave.loadtable(file_name, format='named')

Loads data from .jcm file stored in JCM table format.

  • file_name (filepath) – path to a .jcm table file
  • format (str) – output format of the loaded table (see below).

The output depends on the optional format specification


The output is a python dictionary with entries


title of the table


nested dictionary containing meta-information.

’<Data1>’, … ‘<DataN>’

fields containing the table’s data. <Data1>, …, <DataN> are the column names as found in the .jcm file. A column is not necessarily a (n_row x 1) vector. For example, the xyz-components of n_rows wave vectors are stored as a (n_row x 3) numpy-matrix. Numbered data of the same type are stored in dictionaries with integer keys (see the example of a Fourier table below).


returns data as a list ordered as above

table[0]: title
table[1]: header
table[2 : N+1]: {<Data1>, …, <DataN>}


drops title and header entry, returns complete table data as a (n_row x ?) numpy-matrix.


same as named, but data is not converted to numpy arrays and remains as column vectors


  1. Load table containing computed eigenvalues of a resonance mode or propagating mode problem:

    >>> ev = jcmwave.loadtable('project_results/eigenvalues.jcm')

    In case of a propagating mode problem, the dictionary ev will contain the following fields (in given order)

    ‘title’: title of the table
    ‘effective_refractive_index’: computed propagating modes
    ‘precision’: estimated accuracy of the computed modes
  2. Load Fourier coefficient table as produced by post-process FourierTransform for a electromagnetic field scattering problem:

    >>> ft = jcmwave.loadtable('project_results/fourier_transform.jcm')

    When the electric field components were computed, ft is a dictionary with the following fields (in given order):


    title of the table


    header containing meta-information, i.e. incoming field specifcation, permittivities of the lower and upper half space, reciprocal grid vectors for periodic problem, etc.


    k-vectors of the sampling in k-space (n_row x 3) matrix

    ‘N1’, ‘N2’:

    defractions order with respect to first and second reciprocal grid vectors as given in the header (only present for periodic problems)


    electric field vectors of the Fourier modes. This is dictionary with integer keys, where ft.ElectricFieldStrength[iF] refers to the (iF+1)-th computed electric field.

  3. Load Fourier coefficients in matrix form:

    >>> ft = loadtable('project_results/fourier_transform.jcm',

    This yields a (n_row x ?) numpy-matrix containing the data as in 2.:

    ft = [ft.N1; 

    where nF is the number of computed electric fields.