
This example computes light propagation of incident plane waves (at oblique angle of incidence) through an isolated slit:


Slit geometry


Since the geometry of this setup exhibits two mirror symmetries you can reduce the computational domain to a quarter domain (at higher numerical efficiency). This is shown in section Exploiting Mirror Symmetry.

In a first post process, the Fourier transform for the upper half space is computed (output file transmitted_fourier_transform.jcm). In a subsequent post-process OpticalImaging this Fourier transform is mapped to image_fourier_transform.jcm modelling the light transfer through the optical system (as defined in the post-process OpticalImaging). You can use a Cartesian export post-process to compute the so formed coherent image. The following figure shows the image in different z-slices (image planes displaced along z-direction), for S-polarized illumination.


Coherent images of the slit after passing the optical system (s-polarized incoming plane wave with oblique incidence)


Coherent images of the slit after passing the optical system (p-polarized incoming plane wave with oblique incidence)